Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday #108

Sis took these last month at Opreyland Hotel in Nashville.  I was there a few years ago, quite impressive!


Thanks! See you next week.

1. Dina @ 4 Lettre Words
2. Dez @ My Life in this Wonderful World
3. Magical Mystical Teacher
4. The Journey
5. GFunk and the Duke
6. Manang Kim,USA
7. Jill, USA
8. Willa @ PixelMinded
9. Mickie Brown
10. Siromade Australia
11. Romina
12. Clavel
13. Candy @ The Little Round Table
14. Journey of a Dreamer
15. January, Philippines
16. The Azkals
17. Lesley
18. Jan
19. LIFEMOTO- Love,Love,Love
20. Liz @ MLC
21. Spice Up Your Life
22. Cafe au lait
23. carolynUSA
24. Rose
25. LIFEMOTO- Vacation 2
26. JC
27. Rajesh, India
28. Nostalgic Marveling
29. Luna Miranda
30. Chubskulit
31. Shirley USA
32. Shengkay's journal, PH
33. Marites, Pinayheart
34. Easter Hat-- Real Life Home Ec
35. John
36. peachkins
37. The Franklins
38. Lina, Indonesia
39. mizhelle
40. Francisca in Osaka
41. Rinkly Rimes
42. The Peach Kitchen
43. Mona, Real PINAY Blogger
44. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
45. Angie, West Australia
46. Rekha
47. J Bar, Sydney, Australia
48. Bike Stunt Displays
49. Momsdrive
50. Shiju Sugunan, India
52. Milla
53. alexa in nyc, usa
54. GVK, Mysore, India
55. GVK, Mysore, India
56. Kay, Alberta, Canada
57. Gattina,
58. Maboe,
59. Sheng
60. Everything And Everywhere
61. Sanctuary of my Emotions
62. Chronicles Of A Roamer
63. Coffee Queen
64. Carpe Diem Sweden
65. Gemma @ Greyscale
66. imriz
67. Lena, Krumilurfoto
68. Josep
69. Janujennifer
70. Ann Chin New Zealand
71. Jane, Scotland UK
72. anjoe, Denmark
73. Jenn
74. Birgitta - foto CHIP
75. Eden, Australia
76. Carmen's Chronicles
77. NapTimeMomTog
78. Ladynred
79. Dances Of Dreams
80. Hyanne, South Korea
81. rubie lee
82. Magical Mystical Teacher~Encore
83. Surfside Serenity
84. Sallie (FullTime-Life)
85. pinkgogreen, phil
86. mapeh homepge
87. Ruth
88. Me Ann My Camera
89. U S H I
90. Happy Heart's Day!
91. Cheryl Ann~Deep Canyon
92. Desert Southwest
93. Deserts and Beyond, CA
94. Just Love Blogging It
95. hapzydeco (Delirious by Daniel Palmer)
96. hapzydeco
97. UpLIFTing Words
98. Goosh
99. Lesa@DustyUs
100. life's journey
101. Dhemz, USA
102. Rose
103. Martha
104. Deja
105. Christine
106. Tranquil Acres of Alexandria - Trouble Dolls
107. ChiIL Mama-Chicago
108. Worth's World
109. Maria Berg, Sweden
110. Loui♥
111. pretty as a picture
112. Kenobiitti - Finland
113. jazzbumpa (new blog)
114. brittney
115. Gila Stats
116. Hahai
117. Polish Mom Photographer
118. Ms. Pony
119. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
120. Nette-Surprise!
121. Magical Mystical Teacher~Again
122. Quay Po Cooks
123. they call me mama
124. HoodPhoto (OR-USA)
125. MatthewandLarissa

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Johnny Nutcase said...

I grew up in Nashville. The hotel got hit hard with the flood this last April, but I think it's been re-done now. I accidently put my link twice - you can delete #5 (GFunk and the Duke) if you want to!

forgetmenot said...

Very pretty--looks like a nice place to stay when you visit Nashville.

clavel said...

Hi there! I hope u like my first MYM entry photo!

Liz said...

Great photos. Happy MYM!

Cafe au lait said...

Nice photos!

Life Moto said...

happy valentine's to everybody! have a heart mym!

From The Heart said...

Thanks for hosting Yellow Monday.

Shengkay said...

love the fountain..

happy MYM and happy hearts day too!

Shengkay said...

love the fountain..

happy MYM and happy hearts day too!

Mona, Real PINAY Blogger said...

This place really looks nice :) said...

Thank you for sharing this, I'd like to visit Nashville someday!

Angie said...

Looks like a great place to stay. Nice pic

Ingrid said...

It really looks !

genny said...

hi, my entry is up...nice shot of your MYM pics.

Nina said...

Happy Mellow Yellow Monday! :)

Awesome shot :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

A beautifully presented open space in a hotel! Almost like an oasis with banners flying! Great photos!

J. M. P. said...

Looks like a nice place to visit.

Jane said...

Nice colours, like the water feature:)

Anonymous said...

It looks expencive :)
Happy MYM!

RNSANE said...

I wish everyone love and loving thoughts on this Valentine's Day even if you, like me, don't have a sweeheart.

Ladynred said...

Looks like a beautiful place to visit! Lots of yellow!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We've traveled through Tennessee but somehow missed Nashville -- gotta' go there!

U s h i said...

joining Mellow Yellow again....happy MOnday and happy valentine's day

life's journey said...

It is pretty place...Happy MYM!

Dhemz said...

so grand...nice!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Mellow Yellow at my page. Happy Valentine's day!

Hooked on Memes said...

Nashville is one of the places on my list of places to visit. Thanks for sharing your photos. Happy Valentine's Day!

Leslie said...

Have a wonderful yellow day mixed in with Valentine's red.. :)

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Interesting place, I like that round sprinkler

Loui♥ said...

Happy sunshiny mellow yellow Valentine's Monday!!!!

Maude Lynn said...

That looks fabulous!

gilastats said...


Quay Po Cooks said...

Lovely yellow flowers.