Another photo from our trip to the airplane museum from earlier this summer.

Thank you!
1. Dimple 2. Chalk Dust 3. balatsibuyas 4. Vernz 5. yellow pompoms 6. sibuyas republic 7. Disney Character Parade 8. OZ Mini 9. off to the cinema 10. Flik 11. Daygazers Australia 12. EMZkie 13. dianne 14. Animal World 15. Magical Mystical Teacher #1 16. Rose 17. Liz @ MLC 18. Shiju Sugunan 19. Spice Up Your Life 20. Sunflower and Roses 21. Movie Scenes 22. Mickie Brown 23. One 24. Mika (Photoadik) Tribute to 9/11 25. Kay, Alberta, Canada 26. Nancy 27. Gemma Wiseman's MP Daily 28. Pheno Menon 29. NapTime MomTog 30. Lesley 31. Rajesh, India 32. Mrs.D 33. Dhemz 34. heavenly-dreams 35. Mom's Wish Lists 36. Lina, Indonesia 37. genie~va~usa 38. Lovely Teapot 39. iTravel 40. A Woman's Note 41. Handicrafts 42. sweethomephilippines 43. cassandrasminicorner 44. Seeing Each Day | 45. Lainy's Musings 46. Carpe Diem Sweden 47. loveablecassandra 48. Joahna 49. Milla 50. mommys4seasonsjourney 51. Carola 52. 36 Weeks After 53. Cafe au lait 54. yellow table 55. FM 56. Adie 57. Deja 58. Long Island Daily Photo 59. Gattina 60. Yellow Shoes 61. Mayon Volcano PH 62. Kitty Kate 63. Money Matters 64. J Bar, Sydney, Australia 65. Sublime Wanderer 66. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA 67. Leovi - 9/11 68. alexa in nyc, usa 69. Say Cheese 70. Goodies for a pleasant life 71. Maboe 72. GITTAN SWEDEN 73. Annelie Esséus 74. Yellow Slippers 75. Shannara 76. Lalah 77. wonderland 78. ann nz 79. Shirley 80. Eden,Australia 81. Dinah 82. Lani 83. Pieni Lintu 84. Beyond Wandering 85. Raw Thoughts And Feelings 86. Shabby Pink World 87. hip chick 88. My Nipa Hut | 89. Angie in Yanchep 90. Nelj 91. Inside Cambodia 92. Twiggy 93. Magical Mystical Teacher #2 94. ScarfSweethoney 95. A picture in time 96. Surfside Serenity 97. Tanya-Around Roanoke, VA 98. Beautiful. (Follows) 99. Kim,USA 100. Shengkay 101. hapzydeco 102. A Sojourner's Saga 103. Daisy 104. Kick Ass Cars 105. Mountain Mermaid 106. Marites, PinayHeart 107. The Food on the Hill 108. Leovi - The Hell 109. Anneli - A'la Foto 110. Mildred - France 111. HoodPhoto (OR-USA) 112. MarieElizabeth, US 113. A Sojourner's Saga 114. Raindrops and Daisys 115. LadyD 116. Emille 117. Jeannette StG 118. Robfar, N.B., Canada 119. Gretchen 120. Divine 121. Preserving Food 122. Pradeepa 123. PinkParsley 124. Miss Universe 125. The Betty Project 126. Saun 127. Cherrylej 128. Michelle 129. tips&experience 130. Jhengpot 131. Decksitter 132. kbguy |
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Happy MYM, everyone!
Joining this week's edition of MYM :)
cool looking copter
have a great week :)
Wow, seriously yellow. Great color.
Just about to post my yellows.
— K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
you had a knack for finding awesome yellow stuff:)
happy monday.
Wow, that is very cool:)
visiting from
Hope you can visit me too:)
Happy Monday!
Love it- hope to have a ride one day!
visiting from
Hope you can stop by. Love to see your comment:)
Happy Monday!
Great yellow helicopter! Love it :)
That's is very cute:)
visiting from -
Hope you can stop by. Love to see your comment too:)
Happy Monday!
Thank's for sharing this photo:)
visiting from-
Hope you can visit me too. Love to see your comment:)
Happy Monday!
visiting from-
Hope you can visit me too..Love to see your comment:)
Happy Monday!
Happy MYM everyone! & thanks DM!
That's a cool looking aircraft!!! Happy MYM! ^_^
Would love to ride in that bright yellow 'copter!
(BTW, anyone else having trouble hyper-linking here on Blogger?)
yellow is one of my favourite colors :)
not a yellow submarine but a helicopter.
Wow! nice photo...thanks for sharing...the color is cool for plane..Love it..!
great photo!!
Beautiful and original!
Thanks for sharing;o)
¤ Have a nice and happy week ¤
So cute!
Liz @ MLC
That's really cool!
Amazing photo. Mine is small, soft yellow. Thanks for hosting!
What a cool plane...a private one?
I'd love to see that museum some time. Too bad no one's allowed to ride in.
Oh btw, I can't seem to access the linky, so here are my submissions for this week's Yellows.
Alex's Car
Golden Shrimp Plant
Milk and Biscuit
Very cool... might be fun to ride in that yellow plane! =)
just joined you. i had fun! plus, yellow is one of my fave color. thanks!
We love planes! Nate Saint flew a yellow plane into the jungle in Ecuador back in'56 and never came out. He and 4 others were killed. My son has spent time with his grandson working on planes to help those in similar third world countries. Those same people who killed him now have children who help build the planes the grandson works on.Thanks!
Running a little late this week. But I made it Happy Tuesday enjoy your week. :)
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