Using my sister's computer this week ... got lots of yellow photos but they're on my camera and not able to transfer them ... sheesh! Hopefully back to normal next week. You all enjoy!

1. Mika(Photoadik) 2. Mika(Photoadik) 3. Magical Mystical Teacher 4. mizhelle 5. Adie 6. alexa in nyc, usa 7. Ozzie 8. Spice Up Your Life 9. Chubskulit 10. Pheno Menon 11. JEC 12. Maboe 13. Rose 14. One 15. Angie, West Australia 16. Mildred 17. gloria 18. Virtual Wanderer 19. Kim,USA 20. Daisy 21. Kay, Alberta, Canada 22. Liz @ MLC 23. VioletSky 24. Kat-in-the-kitchen 25. Ms. Burrito 26. peachkins 27. Rajesh, India 28. grace 29. JOHN 30. Life's Concealed Details 31. Dimple 32. Debbie at The Paint Splash 33. Sallie (FullTime-Life) 34. luna miranda 35. amazing Grace,Singapore 36. January 37. Long Island Daily Photo,USA | 38. Vhen 39. carolynUSA 40. Venus 41. vhen2 42. Yesterday 43. Halie 44. LIFEMOTO -Fountain! 45. 36 Weeks After 46. rubie lee 47. His Unfailing Love 48. Carola 49. Lesa @ Dusty Us Diaries 50. parulpukhraaj 51. Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life 52. Gattina 53. ladyofthereel 54. Sahm's Online Diary 55. ann nz 56. Gemma Wiseman 57. Rinkly Rimes 58. Carmen's Chronicles 59. princesscj haven 60. Lina, Indonesia 61. Sign We Love 62. Deja 63. sccollections 64. hip chick 65. Twiggy Belgium 66. Shirley 67. Chie 68. Lani in Angeles City 69. Lani in Singapore 70. Ella Maes Barn Gathering 71. Me Ann My Camera 72. jackie and judai 73. Gloriosa Daisy 74. Inside Cambodia | 75. olivia @ lovelifeandpictures 76. Eden,Australia 77. Sun Tea 78. cheesecakepoi 79. Shiju Sugunan 80. hapzydeco 81. Surfside Serenity 82. Pat --NYC --USA 83. Me Ann My Camera 84. Equity release calculator 85. Best Insurance plaza 86. Mickie Brown 87. Marites, PinayHeart 88. jazzbumpa 89. Junie's Place 90. Mountain Mermaid 91. HoodPhoto (OR-USA) 92. Robfar 93. Myrna @ My Enchanted Home 94. Sandiegowithlove 95. amotheroftwo 96. Motherly Instinct 97. Gina, Art and Alfalfa 98. ChiIL Mama-Chicago 99. Mango Roll! at Living the Good Life 100. Dinah 101. Dinah@ Okay! 102. Naptime Momtog 103. Chie - UTFE 104. Dubster 105. Bhupesh 106. Fe's Journey of Life 107. Magical Mystical Teacher #2 108. Milla 109. Xerraire 110. Asrul_Download Proposal 111. ginger |
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Hi Everyone! Just a hello and thanks to Mellow Yellow blog for providing fun, fun, fun. Have a great week.
Hello there, I don't know where I can contact you right away, but can you please remove entry no2, it is the wrong link. My no1 entry is my entry and that has the right name and link.
The correct name for entry2 is Adie which is already posted as entry no5.
You don't have to approve this, doesn't need to be seen. thanks again.
Your fellow blogger,
Happy MYM!
Liz @ MLC
hey, glad you could use your sisters computer so we could still link in. Thanks for hosting, Debbie
Hoping you soon get over your computer problems! They're a nuisance, aren't they!
Wish your computer back to normal soon :)
Happy Monday...
can't find the linky but mine's here.
Happy sunshiny mellow yellow Monday to everyone!!
Hugs.. Loui♥
oops i signed up for last week but wanted my entry to be for 8.8 11 any way to delete my entry from 7.31 ??
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